In 2013, I chose three words to focus on rather than make resolutions. They were Canada, Friendship, and Conversation. Throughout the year, I tried to explore what these words meant to me, and experience new things related to them. They led me in interesting directions and enriched my life much more than I expected. I won’t go into details as it’s a new year, but I thought I’d share my words for 2014, and ask if you have any words or resolutions you want to share.

My 2014 Words

Income – while I’m hoping for the financial kind, I also am intrigued to find out how else it might manifest itself. Perhaps it will be incoming friendships, or visitors, or prizes, or book sales, or surprises. We shall see.

Polar Bear Plunge - 1 Jan 2014Water – this might seem like a strange choice, but like so many people, I really need to drink more water! As you can see from this picture, I decided to kick off both the new year and my word by joining in with the other totally nutty islanders and doing the Polar Bear Plunge on New Year’s Day. While I’m not overly fond of being in water, even in the summer, I do want to spend more time at the beach looking at it, and also get my butt into a kayak this year.

Home – my last word is a good one and exciting for me. I’m lucky to own my home with my husband, and I intend to make it more home-like with de-cluttering, painting, and care. Also, our relatively new home country is Canada, and this year, we’ll be sworn in as citizens, which is super cool. Home encompasses family, friends, health, food, and general well-being for me, so I think having it as a focus word is an excellent choice.

Happy 2014 to you! May it bring you blessings, peace, and love. Feel free to share your words or resolutions in the comments, too. I’m always happy to hear from you.