Last week, I finished up a new book. It took me about 11.5 months from conception to a nice, clean draft to give to my agent. All day yesterday, I kept trying to think of some sort of celebration that an accomplishment like that calls for and what I came up with is fried food. So last night, we had fried veggie burgers, onion rings, and breaded zucchini sticks. And then I fried my brain by watching TV. Yeah, I know…that’s a pretty wild way to go off the rails and party, right? Well, we all do what appeals to us, and who doesn’t love fried food?

The cool thing is that not only am I done with this book, but I have very exciting new project I’m ready to dive into. So that’s what I plan to do on Monday – go back to work! Have I mentioned I love my job? But in order to give it my full attention, I am going to take a vacation from the web and all things business related, at least until after Labour Day. I plan to read a lot, play with this new idea and then start writing it, maybe do some socializing, study French because it’s fun, and soak up some sun. What I don’t plan to do is blog, tweet, read things on the web, or excessively email my friends.

You can still send me email, and I’ll still answer, but I might be a little slow about it. It’s time for the lazy days of summer and I’m ready. How about you? What are you going to do this month?