I learned today that it’s personal choice whether you spell it Cinci or Cincy. Two librarians told me, so I’m sure it’s factual!

Check out my library event! Can you believe those hoards of teens showed up to hear me read and have me sign their books?

Hahahahahaha! Just kidding! I arrived in Cincinnati last night to discover that John Green was speaking at the library across the street from my hotel. Can I just say that from now on my contract is going to say, “I don’t follow John Green”? Actually, I went over to there and saw at least a thousand kids so excited, clutching books, it practically made me face crack from smiling.

My favourite overheard thing last night? A teen girl holding her signed book to her chest said to her friend, “I teared up!”

Favourite thing I saw? A poster in the elevator of John Green and…and…and…yep! ME!


They’re going to give me a copy. John, if you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure they’ll send you one, too. I expect you’re pretty excited about being on a poster with me, right?

Do you live in Cinci (or Cincy)? Well, my event is Wednesday night at 7pm at the main branch in the Teenspot. This last picture is the display that Bess made for the Madeira Public Library. Very cool, eh?