
You might think I love Goodreads because I can go over there and see what people think of my book (4.17 stars out of 5), or monitor how many people have it on their shelves to read (169) or how many readers have entered the contest my publisher is sponsoring to win my book (399), but I never go over there for those reasons. I mean, that would be kind of sad to be monitoring those kinds of statistics, wouldn’t it?

No, the reason I love Goodreads is because every time I hear about a new book that sounds fabulous I can go over there and add it to my shelf. Like this one, that Janet Reid just wrote about.

first contact

It sounds fantastic. But my library doesn’t have it (it’s not even out yet), and my budget doesn’t accommodate pre-ordering it right now. But I can add it to Goodreads and then sometime in the future, when either my library gets it, or I’m flush, I’ll remember to read it!

That’s why I love Goodreads. What about you? Do you use it? What’s your favourite thing about it?