love-bottle_~k3014797Remember last week when I wrote about knowing I was almost done with my current WIP because a new idea was forming in my brain? Well, the idea grew some after that post and I got pretty excited. Each day, I built on the plot, and the characters. I even named my MC.  Then one morning, I woke up and realized I hadn’t actually thought about that grand new idea in a couple of days. “I was busy,” I told myself, and it was true, so I bought it. For a while.

Then on Saturday, I thought I’d better get it down on paper. Just in case. Since new things hadn’t occurred to me for a few days, putting it on paper would get the juices flowing again, right?

Now, I have never written a synopsis and just had it fall out of the sky. All synopses are a challenge, but after a couple of hours, what I realized was it wasn’t the synopsis that was giving me trouble, it was the idea. That was not a leaky balloon, or even a frustrated sigh, you heard on Saturday around noon…nope it was a the Big Fizzle…fwoooshhhhh…..and the idea sputtered and died.

On the plus side, I am not alone! I know of at least two other writers dealing with this right now too, and each day on Twitter they post how excited about their new idea they are, and then they hear the fwoooshhhhh….

The thing is, this is not really a sad thing for a writer (at least not for me). Just because this idea fizzled doesn’t mean it won’t come back to me someday, maybe not for years. Or it might be gone forever. Who knows? But by letting it go, instead of fighting to hang on to it, I’m wide open for whatever great idea I get this week!