I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, so deer were around. I mean, you didn’t see them down at the local 7-11, but you’d see them at the beach or along a country road, or even in the neighbour’s yard. Now I live on an island and there are deer, deer, everywhere deer. And guess what happens to deer who have no predators? They get friendly with the humans! Some more than others. Today we had a whole herd of young bucks in our yard. If you look closely, you can see their antlers trying to push through their skulls like little teeth pushing through baby gums. These guys LOVE me. Or I should say, they love carrots, bananas and apples – all of which they associate with yours truly. Today, the one we call Nubby (although to be fair, that could be any of them), was so intent on getting carrots that while I tried to give one to another deer with my right hand, he pressed his big wet nose right into my left hand and stole carrots while I wasn’t paying attention! The glutton. He’s cute though. Did you know deer have teeth? Well, of course you did, but did you know that if you run out of carrots, they’re not abject to chomping on your finger as a way of saying, “Hey! Go to the store and get more carrots!” Sorry guys…we’re all out. But next time they’re on sale, I’m going to buy a big bag. There ain’t nothing like a little deer slobber to brighten your day!


Me and Nubby- And yes, I am in my pajamas, but hey! It was morning. Give me a break.


“What do you mean they’re all gone?”


Nubby, just a few minutes ago when he came back to see if I’d been to the store yet. When he found out I hadn’t he bit me! He’s still cute though.

Oh, and my husband, the photographer, wanted me to point out that the colour phots are snapshotssnapshots and not photos that he wants credited to his portfolio (although the last one IS one he’ll accept credit for). I had to agree to this disclaimer before he let me use them on my website because he didn’t think y’all were dumb enough to believe that a mysterious less-than-talented photographer snuck over to our house this morning to photograph me with the deer, which was what I was going to say.