trophy.jpg It’s that time of year again… My Fave Fifteen of 2007 They are listed in the order I read them, not the order I loved them. If you’re the author, feel free to make some stickers for your book saying, “Endorsed by Joëlle Anthony”. I’m cool with that.

  1. Amazing Grace by Megan Shull
  2. Megiddo’s Shadow by Arthur Slade
  3. Scarlett by Cathy Cassidy
  4. The Isabel Factor by Gayle Friesen
  5. Squashed by Joan Bauer
  6. It’s a tie – Framed and Millions by Frank Cottrell Boyce
  7. The Thing About Georgie by Lisa Graff
  8. The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Gothgirl by Barry Lyga
  9. The Boxer by Kathleen Karr
  10. If We Kiss by Rachel Vail
  11. Gentle’s Holler by Kerry Madden
  12. Gemini Summer by Iain Lawrence
  13. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
  14. Brides of Eden by Linda Crew
  15. I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You by Ally Carter

These were not all written in 2007, that’s just when I read them. Some are a bit light and fun, some are more literary, and some are just really good stories, but I loved them all. If you look at last year’s list (scroll down to the bottom of the post), you’ll see some author repeats. Can’t help it! Those authors have got my number!