5.jpg Adult Fiction – At first, I was just going to leave it at WOW, but then I decided I couldn’t. This truly is one of the best books I’ve ever read. It has everything. And I mean everything. A unique perspective, a strong voice, humour, drama, love, friendship, loyalty… I truly can’t recommend this book enough.

From a writer’s point of view, it is beautifully crafted. I hesitate to say that lest you think it’s contrived, but I don’t mean that at all. I just mean that I can appreciate and see things because I know (in theory) how to put a novel together and he’s done a stunning job. I am definitely going to get my hands on his other books.

Several times while reading, I stopped and read a passage aloud to my husband. I only do that if I know he’s not going to read the book OR I can read a particular passage without giving anything away. In this case, I am sure he will read the book someday (although it has to go back to the library because someone else has requested it, so he can’t read it right now), but the book is sprinkled with these lovely passages that one can read aloud and not spoil anything. There is a great paragraph about how people don’t listen to each other. I would love to type it in here, but I’m not really sure if that’s kosher. Anyway, after hearing it, my husband said, “The book is worth reading just for that passage. Everyone should read this book.” I couldn’t agree more.

Read the amazing story of this book’s rocky road to publication here.

See the book trailer here.

P.S. If you’re a dog-lover, you MUST read this book, but if you’re just a dog-tolerator or a dog-liker (as I am), you should read it too. You might find that you see dogs a little differently after reading this book.

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