television.jpg A few months ago, I switched from reading mostly agent blogs to reading mostly writer blogs. I had landed a fabulous agent and while I still read Janet Reid and Jennifer Jackson, I’ve pretty much given up the agent blogs. What I’ve noticed is how much TV writers watch. They don’t just watch stuff that’s on right now, they watch whole seasons on DVD. Writers seem to have their favorites and also they watch series on DVD because everyone else likes them and they want to like them. They rent them, check them out at the library, buy them, get them as gifts!

Now, I am NOT anti-TV by any means, but frankly, it rarely occurs to me to watch TV. I don’t have time and it’s not because I have kids or a job either. It’s because I’m cooking or knitting or reading or listening to baseball or walking or riding my bike or helping my husband water the garden or staring off into space (hey, it’s beautiful around here…that’s easy to do!). And oh, yeah, there’s that whole writing thing that takes up part of my day too.

We do have a TV. A brand new one. It’s not hooked up to any service and we’ve had it about a year and probably have watched maybe 50 hours, mostly baseball games when we first got it, and a few DVDs. Since moving here, I mostly forget we even have a TV, but now, after reading all these writers blogs, I’m starting to wonder if I’m missing out on something! If y’all love it so much, and you’re writers too, then there must be something in it, right? To be honest, no matter what you say, I’m not going to start watching TV, but I am curious. Why do you watch TV? Is it because of the stories? Is it because after writing, your brain needs a break? What is the appeal of TV?