

So I left the island, which in and of itself is a big deal, to see this movie and while my expectations wanted to be high, I was a little dubious after #5 (do NOT get me started on how much I hated that movie and how they ruined the entire story with it). But I’d heard good things and the preview looked excellent, so I suppose I was slightly hopeful.

Okay… So I know I haven’t read the book since last summer, and I’ve only read it 3-4 times (including audio), but does anyone else remember Ron’s house burning down in the middle of the book? I didn’t think so. That said, it was kind of an exciting scene in the movie! But what was with Mr. & Mrs. Weasley just standing in the doorway looking dumbstruck, not even taking out their wands, while Harry and Ginny run after Bella & the werewolf? Yeah, right!

I did think, “Wow! This is a cool scene. I bet J.K. Rowling wishes she wrote it in the book!” Of course, maybe she wrote it for the movie, or maybe she wrote it in the book and it was cut, but either way, it was pretty cool. Except that their house burnt down and well…that can’t really happen, can it because they need that house later in the series to live in…and do ghouls survive fire? Hard to say, but they need that ghoul too.

But you know that’s not all I have to say, right? I mean…they added a cool scene and left out THE FRIGGIN CLIMAX OF THE BOOK!!!! So can anyone tell me what the whole point of Draco fixing the vanishing cabinet was if he was just going to let some Deatheaters into the castle so they could run around and laugh evilly and then leave? And what about Bill? When does he get bit by a werewolf? And I’m sorry, but Dumbledore knew Harry would ignore his orders in a fight and that’s why he immobilized him under his invisibility cloak, so when he didn’t this time and Harry just lurked in the shadows, I was all, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” Totally unbelievable.

To be honest, I was so disturbed by the fact that there was no battle, I almost didn’t even notice that Dumbledore died! Seriously. The book makes me cry every time and all I could think was, “Why are they all holding their wands up like it’s a 1970’s Rolling Stones concert?”

I’m glad I saw it because otherwise I’d be worried I was missing something, and until the end, I thought it was pretty okay. But as I heard some teenagers say on their way out, “If they cut all the kissing scenes and people looking into each others’ eyes, the movie would’ve only been about half an hour long.”

What did you think?