1. I’m not really sure what a Friday Five is, but from all the blogs I’m reading these days, I’m starting to see a pattern. Lots of writers do lists of five random things on Fridays and share with the world. I guess I missed the memo. Better late to the party than never, I guess!2. Can I just say how extremely happy and thrilled I am to be living in a spot on the planet that is not overrun with pollen? I loved the South, but I was literally out for a minimum of six weeks, usually more like eight, every spring with allergies. When I say out, I mean I slept 10 hours a night and usually 2 hours in the afternoon. The rest of the time, even with drugs, I only operated at about 50%. I LOVE IT HERE in Evergreen Central!

3. I just talked to my mum on the phone for 77 minutes. I love my mum.

4. My husband went for a bike ride and brought me back a doughnut and a book from the village. Who loves me, baby?

5. It occurred to me the other day that now that I have a fabulous agent, I really can probably stop reading all the blogs about how to write a hook. Especially since I’ve actually written articles on it myself, and have been known to help others, like Jen and Wanda with their queries. So this week, I dropped a bunch of those blogs from my to read list and have added Sarah Dessen, Susan Juby, Rachel Vail, Cynthia Lord, and Meg Cabot to my blog roll. I figure it’s now time to see what happens after you get a book published (knock on wood) and why not learn from the best?