fremont-bridge-d300crw08027-s1.jpg The Fremont Bridge, Portland OR

For as long as I can remember, I have had dreams about bridges and they are never good. Generally, the bridge either ends about half way across, or it goes up and up and up and then I drive off the end of it into the air and I’m usually flying around in some sort of go-cart or something. There are also the dreams where I go to the bridge, only there isn’t one, just some stuff floating in the water where the bridge should’ve been and and I have to walk along it trying to get across. There are the ones where the bridge is at the same level as the water and as I scoot across (I almost always start out in some sort of car, but by the end I am walking, crawling or flying) my path gets narrower and narrower. Sometimes I have to jump from a part of the bridge to the other part, or climb.

So…why am I sharing this with you? Well, last night, this morning really, which means on New Year’s Day 2008, I had a dream where I rode my bike across a bridge. All the way. And while I was a little scared, the bridge stayed in one piece, it did not get narrower, and it didn’t climb higher and disappear into the sky. It was a solid, normal bridge, and I rode my bike right across it. So…being the optimist that I am, I think this is a sign that 2008 is going to be a great year. I’m sure it means I will bridge that gap between writing and publishing. I think it means that I am finally reaching some stability in my life. I think it means I don’t have to be afraid of either bridges or success. Of course, Freud would have some other interpretation, but he’s not around, is he?

Happy New Year to one and all!