No…I’m not talking about the word count on my NOW FINISHED AND SENT OFF TO MY CRITIQUE GROUP MANUSCRIPT!!! Although, maybe after they read it, I might find that I do indeed have too many words. For now though, it is just right! Can I just say how good this feels? I wrote the first draft in about thirty days and then it sat around for about a year. I’ve been revising somewhat steadily since July (two full revisions) and now I have something that I’m really pleased with…we’ll see what they think…and my agent…for now I’ll just be happy though!
The too many word thing is that there are too many words in my head. Too much email, too many blogs, too many Google searches, too many books to read, too many books to listen to… I am taking one whole week off from everything word related, with the exception of stimulating conversation. And if that doesn’t happen, then that too. Seriously. I have a few must-dos on the computer and then I’m shutting down and putting it away in a closet. My husband will be scanning my email inbox for messages from my agent or my editor (because otherwise I’d go crazy with wondering!). If you need me, give me a call!
I’m also (gasp) going to take a week off from reading. No books. No magazines. No audio books. I didn’t tell my husband this bit because he’ll hold me to it and all I can say is it is a GOAL…it’s carved in hard dirt as they say down south.
To celebrate having finished writing my book (for now), I will share with you one of the most hilarious things I’ve seen in a long time. Thanks to The Longstockings for bringing it to my attention.
Here is the link to a news site where you can watch this hilarious video of college kids playing…you’ll have to go see it. All I can say is that JK Rowling has had a lot of amazing things happen due to the Harry Potter books, but this might be the funniest thing.
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