headphones-two.jpgI can’t remember if I’ve already posted a post about this or not. I know I wrote an article about how listening has improved my writing that got one rejection and I never bothered to send out again. Perhaps I should dust that off and try again. Anyway, over the last year, I’ve become a big time audio book fan. I never used to like to listen to them because I can’t just sit and do nothing while they’re on and before the iPod, I would have to listen on a boom box or my computer, which meant every time I wanted to leave the room, I’d have to pause the story. Now that I can walk all over the house with my headphones on and listen while I cook and knit, I’m totally in love with audio books.

Listening has expanded my horizons too because I listen to a lot of things I normally wouldn’t make time to read, like adult ficiton and nonfiction. It’s not that often that I think, “Okay…I’m craving a nonficiton book” and I sit down with one in the big blue chair with a cup of tea and read it through. However, I’ve found that there are plenty of books that I’m interested in if someone else does the reading for me. Like Steve Martin’s book and Stephen Colbert’s book. I also like it to revisit some of my favorites, like Harry Potter. Do you listen to audio books? What are your favourites?

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