celeb.jpg   I’ll just say up front that I never would’ve picked this book up if someone hadn’t recommended it to me. No offense, but I’ve read too many of those rich girls who go to private schools, shop, party, spend their summers at the Hamptons and generally bore me to death books. I’ve read at least two and a half, I’m sure! Oh, and there’s always some poor relation or nanny or something too, isn’t there. Blech!

However, had I assumed this was one of those books, I would’ve been wrong. Luckily, the people who like those books, will pick this up, and those who don’t will find out about it on blogs like this one. Besides the personal recommendation, it was published by Delacorte and I love Delacorte books, so I had to at least give it a chance.

I’m really glad I did because this book is really, really fun.  And there are more! It’s a series. Yes, the three main characters (triplets) are big time celebutantes. Yes, they own more clothes for one season than I’ve owned in my whole life. And yes, they have a chauffeur and a limo and get facials and each have their own luxury bathroom. But they’re also smart, funny, have distinctive personalities, goals, and are human. That’s the big difference between this book and so many others. The other thing is that they have a penchant for solving crimes. And that’s where the real fun begins. So if you thought this wouldn’t be your type of book, you should get some chocolate, draw a foamy bubble bath, and settle in with it. Think Agatha Christie meets Hello Magazine.