I really enjoyed this book, but I did want to comment on the fact that I bought it as a remainder. One time, in the early days, I bought a book at a library book sale and the writer was on one of my list serves. I mentioned it on the list and was admonished by her that “writers don’t like to hear that their books are being sold used”. I always thought that was a bit strange. I mean, I sell/give away loads and loads of books I LOVE. Just because it’s used doesn’t mean anything negative. In fact, more people are reading your book that way and you may get more readers in the future. Besides, with children’s books, most of them probably get passed on because the child outgrew them.I think that’s true of remainders too. I mean, sure, no one wants to be remaindered, but it means you have been published, which is a good start. And it also means that someone like me who doesn’t have a big book budget might pick up your book, love it, and then splurge on something else of yours. I will definitely look for this author’s work again. So is it such a terrible thing that I got her book for $1.99? I don’t think so because not only did I enjoy it, but I’ll pass it on to a friend, and I wrote about it here.
Oh, and just for the record, the author never once mentioned that Hannah is a palindrome.
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