I am not having a lot of success in the reading department. I am still considering that I might be a bit burnt out on it, but I don’t think so. I think I just have a bunch of clunkers in my pile! I am reading MIDNIGHT BLUE now, which won the Smarties Prize in England, and so far is fab, so I may be back on track, but I put down two others before I got to this one, and I didn’t even get past about page 8 on one of those or page 28 on the other. I usually give a book 50 pages before I drop it.

Interestingly enough, (to me anyway), the book I only read eight pages of was in third person and I thought to myself, “You know…I’m hard on third person. Maybe I should give it more pages.” but then I couldn’t. So the next book, MIDNIGHT BLUE, is great from the beginning. I bet I was fifteen or twenty pages into it before I realized it was in third person. You see? I am only hard on BAD third person. What really bugs me is I can’t put my finger on what makes it good and what makes it bad? I really want to know! Does anyone have any theories on this? Are there any books out there on this?

Okay, back to writing. I suppose when the weather cools off and the baseball season ends (my poor, poor Cubbies..this is one of the worst seasons in ages and ages…), maybe my need to read will blossom again.
