Georgie Wow! What a great book. I am not a huge MG fan, as you know, and the lower end of MG really doesn’t speak to me too often, but this is the exception. Run, don’t walk, to get your copy. And if you’re a grade school teacher, this is a fantastic book to read aloud to your kids. You’ll see why once you read it.

This is Lisa’s debut novel, but I’m excited to see that she has another one coming out soon and her agent just sold a third one too. This book is a new twist on “my mom is having a baby who will displace me”, friendship, and learning who you are (and who you aren’t). I highly recommend it. Lisa has a great website at

It is true that I know Lisa, but just for the record, I’ve read books by authors I know or have met and if I don’t like the books, I just don’t write about them here, so you don’t have to worry that I’m being partial. As you may have noticed, I like to give my books away, but this one I’ll be keeping in my small library of books I’d like to read again.

Yay, Lisa!