story.jpg Can I just say that Sara Zarr is the coolest name ever? Okay, now I’ve got that off my chest, let’s talk about the book. This is a really good book, but you knew that because I’m blogging about it and I wouldn’t if I didn’t like it. This is one of those books that goes straight to your heart. I think that if you live a life similar to the main character, then it speaks to you and maybe gives you some hope. And if your life is/was totally different, then you just want to jump into the book and maybe shake the characters a little… You know, grab them by the shoulders and say, “It doesn’t HAVE to be this way!” That sort of thing. Or maybe I’m just an enthusiastic reader. Either way, my only regret is that I read this book really fast. I didn’t set out to do that, I just couldn’t help myself. The reason I regret this is because I keep thinking, Okay, as soon as I’m done working for the day, I can get back to reading that great book, STORY OF A GIRL, and then I remember that I finished it this morning with my wake-me-up tea. Luckily for me, Sara has a new book out called Sweethearts.

big-boned.jpg  Oh, and I also zipped through the new Meg Cabot Heather Wells mystery yesterday, BIG BONED…really funny, as usual, and about the only adult chick lit I like. Also not as gross and disturbing as #2.