reality-chick.jpgThis is a really fun book. It’s reality TV, it’s chick lit, and it’s really well done. When I read one of Barnholdt’s other books, a while back, I was appalled at the number of continuity errors. I just couldn’t imagine how they all got past the author and editor, but I was still taken with the writing and the voice. And I’d heard good things about Reality Chick, so when I saw it at the library, I snagged it. There is one continuity error in this one too, but compared to the last book, it’s small potatoes. Right at the very beginning, the character says that they’re not allowed to wear white at all because it messes with the cameras/lighting, but later in the book, she wears a white skirt, white top, white pants…they just keep wearing white! I think the reason this bugs me is more as a writer than as a reader. I mean, I think it’s safe to assume that Barnholdt did not WANT these mistakes in her book, so she probably made every effort to write a book without mistakes. Aren’t we all doing that? So what mistakes of ours will slip through? That’s what worries me!