mistik.jpgMy friend, Susan recommended this book to me. I’m glad she did because I had to put it on hold to get it and I might not have come across it for a while otherwise. You often hear agents or editors say things like, “Vampire books are out, unless you can do something really fresh, and then we definitely want to see it.” After reading this book, that finally makes sense to me. This book has nothing to do with vampires, but I think you could say it’s a very fresh take on a story that maybe you’ve heard before. It’s so fresh that you don’t realize you’ve heard the story before until you’re finished. Anyway, as usual…add it to your list!

Oh, wait…one more thing of interest I wanted to add . The writer has broken all POV rules, which is kind of cool. One character tells her story in first person, and then a bunch of other characters get their story told in third person. And it’s not every other chapter alternating or anything, it’s just when it needs to change, it does. What’s so interesting to me about this is not only had I never seen that before, BUT THE VERY NEXT BOOK I READ HAS THE SAME THING!!! (which is technically the book above this one on the blog, Susan Juby’s Another Kind of Cowboy. Maybe it’s a Canadian thing???

P.S. For some reason this post is attracting spam so I had to turn off comments. Feel free to send one through the contact page if you have a comment on this book. J-