millions I loved this book. I knew I would because I also loved his book FRAMED. It’s impossible to read this book without being amazed at the sheer knowledge he packs into it without being boring! In FRAMED, he gave the reader a wonderful art education. In this one, you learn about Saints. But you never think you’re learning. You’re just reading along enjoying yourself. This is really good stuff. Don’t miss it.

girlhood THE GEOGRAPHY OF GIRLHOOD is written in what I guess is called free verse. I’m not a big fan of free verse. In fact, I’m not a fan at all. I can honestly say that I picked this up at the library on accident, not noticing it was written in this style. There is only one other free verse book that has ever held my attention (not that I’ve read a lot or anything) and then plot-wise it had a sucky ending so it did not win me over! This book has won me over though. At least for this book. Ironically, the next random book I picked up out of my stack was free verse too! How did this happen? I am not as excited about it, so I won’t say the name right now, but if I like it in the end, I’ll write about it here too.

In addition to these two books, I also read half of one I couldn’t bother to finish (unnamed, of course), and watched a lot of baseball. Read anything good lately?