jessies-mountain.jpgYou have to read this book! Well, first you have to read her first two books, since this is the third one in the series. These wonderful stories start with GENTLE’S HOLLER and LOUISANA ‘S SONG. I loved both of those and I’ve had this one sitting on my shelf for a while, waiting for that moment when I could relax and enjoy it and also when I felt in need of a “sure thing”. It’s just great!

Kerry’s doing fabulous things too with music and school visits and readings and she’s just an all around nice, friendly and wonderful person! I have written a two book series (yet to be shopped) with a thread of old-time music (traditional country or American roots music) all through it and Kerry’s books also are woven together by this type of music too, so we have become fast friends. Her sister-in-law even recorded twenty-nine of the songs that are used in the series (something my husband hopes to do for my books someday). Make sure you drop by her site and check out what she’s up to. She might just be in your neck of the woods this summer and you wouldn’t want to miss her!