dustin-grubbs.jpgThis is a sequel to DUSTIN GRUBBS ONE-MAN SHOW. I read it when it first came out, so it’s been a while, but I remember that I loved it, so I was excited to get my hands on this one. I was not disappointed. It’s fantastic. One of the reasons I like his writing so much is because he writes about the theatre and he actually KNOWS about the theatre. He’s not working from memory of a high school play. He’s been a pro actor/singer/dancer and so Bonk captures the desire as well as the technicalities that are so often missing from books about kids who want to be actors. Being an actor myself, books about the theatre that don’t ring true really drive me crazy! This one hits its mark every time. Plus, Bonk writes so tightly, no wasted words, and tons and tons of clever phrasing, plays on words, and laugh-out-loud humor. This would be a perfect read aloud book for a fourth grade class too, so all you fourth grade teachers and librarians, add these books to your list for next school year. I hope there’s another book coming.

P.S. Those of you who know me know that impressing me with MG is hard work, as it generally isn’t my cup of tea, but this fits the bill. Bah-dum-pum!