it-girl.jpgI liked this book. It didn’t really seem to be about anything other than a girl likes a boy and the ups and downs of that, but it was very funny and the main character has a very, very strong voice. All the characters do, really. I kept thinking to myself that there wasn’t much of a plot, but I kept wanting to know what happened and I read it quickly to find out. It’s a fun book. I can really see teens looking for a fun, light read enjoying this one. It kind of reminds me of when I was a loser teen (like Jan, the main character) and never had any dates on Saturday night. She watches Jenifer Aniston movies, I read YA romances (but not the icky Harlequin ones…I always got the ones published by Fireside). I can totally see me reading this on a Saturday night way back then and thinking, “Ah….there’s hope.” I’ll definitely look for Kantor’s other books.