candy_bn262117.jpg Imagine that you had plenty of candy growing up. You had it when you wanted it, but because of its availability, you enjoyed it but didn’t think about it much. Then imagine that you were an adult and you moved to a small town. While you could still have some candy, the choices were very limited. When you went to the candy store, all you saw was the same old candy you’d been eating for a long time and you wanted something different but they only rotated the stock once or twice a year, so you were stuck with what they had to offer. Sure there were other ways to get variety, but you really had to try to get it then and even though it had been free before, now you were having to pay for it.

And then…YOU MOVED! And in the new town, there was candy everywhere. Just for the taking. New candy, old candy, familiar candy, candy that people sent you in the mail, candy that friends told you you had to try. CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! You had more candy at your disposal than you ever had imagined having again! You were so excited by all this candy that you devoured it every waking minute of the day, you wrote articles about it. You started blogging about candy. People asked you for recommendations about what candy they should try and they listened when you told them, because if there was one thing you knew about, it was candy! You’d tried so many kinds of candy and yet the supply seemed endless! And not only that, but you still had stacks and stacks of candy you’d never tried, and more candy on the way! What joy!

Until…The Day.

The day you discovered that you were completely saturated by candy. You were stuffed. You’d had your fill and then some. There was a chance that you might not ever want candy again. Not a big chance, but the possibility was there because just the sight of candy made your stomach queasy and your eyes kind of bug out. Instead of enjoying this candy, you began to realize you didn’t have time for anything else because you had to stay after that ever-growing pile or else you’d fall behind and pretty soon it would topple over and trap you underneath.

Now…substitute the word “book” for candy.

Need To Read is on indefinite hiatus.

Although I will continue to blog on my homepage and when I resume reading, y’all be the first to know. And if you haven’t had enough candy, there’s always the archives and the book lists.