cowboy.jpgOkay, can I just say that we have landed in a hotbed of fabulous YA writers? As I’ve bragged before, the fabulous Iain Lawrence lives in my small town. Now I find out that Susan Juby is just a hop, skip, and a jump away, and my friend, Susan (the librarian), met her just last month or something like that! I hear she’s very cool. Anyway, I’ve been a big fan of the Alice books ever since a teen recommended them to me when I cornered her in the YA section of a bookstore and asked what she liked (about two years). I own them, which says something because if you go to my bio page, you can see my one bookshelf of books I think are worth owning. Anyway, I am on a tight budget now, so AKOC came from the library, but oh, it’s good! It’s so good! I think I read it through in about one evening plus a lot of time today when I was supposed to be copy writing (I hope my client’s not reading this). This is what I call a perfectly crafted and well done book. And I’m not just saying that so Susan will see this and email me and have coffee with me (but if she does and wants to, I’m in). This really is good. Her other books are hilarious, quirky, and fun, but this has everything I’m looking for in a contemporary novel. Oh, and see the note about the POV below in the next post about Mistik Lake.