alls-fair.jpgI’m in contemporary YA fiction overload and will probably read something like Nevil Shute or John Rowe Townsend just to give myself a break from high school. However, I did just read ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE, WAR AND HIGH SCHOOL by Janette Rallison. It was very funny (as usual) and a nice twist on Taming of the Shrew (no violence!).

pants.jpgAnd then, last night, I read the new Meg Cabot book, PANTS ON FIRE. Very typical Cabot chick lit, not too many surprises, but funny. I read it in one sitting and I’m still thinking about bits of it. All in all, a lighthearted way to spend Saturday night. Ahhh…just like high school…dateless and reading on Saturday night. Of course, my husband probably wouldn’t have appreciated it if I’d had a date anyway. 🙂