alfa.jpg They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and Lauren Abramo, over at my agency, Dystel and Goderich, just did a terrific post on the topic (scroll down when you get there). I think that it’s impossible not to pick books by their covers, at least initially, and can I just say this book has a fantastic one? Even if I didn’t “know” Siobhan Vivian (virtually), I would’ve been way interested in this book just from its cover and its title. This is one of my recent purchases, yes…I bought a new, hardback book! That makes it the first one this year. I’m so happy that I did too because it’s a great book and you all should run right out to your indie book store and get a copy. It’s funny, and touching, and a bit mysterious, and you root for the character, and well…it’s just worth your $16.99 ($20.99 here in Canada! Don’t get me started on that though since the USD and CAD are even now and those of us up north are a bit irate about the books being so much more expensive!) Anyway, do get it and do stop by Siobhan’s website to read more about her and her wonderful book! Ooh, I just went over there and you can win a copy! Hurry!!!

P.S. I also listened to the first Mediator book on audio. I loved this series when I read it and audio is really fun!