Generally when I’m writing, I think about my book a lot. You know, what happens next, who does my character crush on, what kind of shoes does she wear and how can I get a pair…those kinds of things. But as many of you know, I finished my manuscript five weeks ago and sent it to my agent and now I’m waiting to hear what he has to say.

It’s true that I’ve started toying with a new project, but mostly I’ve just been puttering and enjoying the nice spring weather. That brings me to what I think about when I’m not pondering a book I’m writing. Do you remember that scene in The Commitments when the main character is fantasizing that the band has become an international success and he’s interviewing himself with a hairbrush? Well, I haven’t gone so far as to practice with the hairbrush but I have to think about something, don’t I?

So last night, I was thinking about Oprah and what she might ask, you know, just so I’m ready, and she said something like, “You have such a fabulous website! What’s the greatest thing about it?”

And my answer just rolled right off my tongue. The greatest thing about having a website is how it has brought a whole community of writers right into my small, rural, Canadian house.

I have made so many friends from this website. So today is My Blog Reader Appreciation Day. These flowers are for you, my dear readers. All six of you!
