camera-colour.jpgActually, it’s not me that will be in the photos, so I’m not technically ready for any close-up. I’m very excited to say that tomorrow we (and by we, I mean I’ll mostly be cooking for everyone else and other people will be doing) are doing the photo shoot for the pictures we will use in my book trailer! Wahooo!

The fabulous Sarah Tradewell is coming up to my island with her parents and my husband is going to take at least a zillion pictures of her with and without her fiddle. Also, and this is really cool…on Tuesday, Sarah and my husband (who is also a musician/singer/songwriter) are going into the recording studio to record a few of the tunes and songs that are in my book. But get this…there is a fictional reel in my book called Brianna’s Reel (named after a character) and Sarah has written a reel just for me and my book! Seriously! How cool is that?

Eventually, there will be downloads of the recordings available, and of course, the book trailer, but that will be a ways off. Hopefully, later this week, I’ll have a few sneak peek pics. Stay tuned! And don’t forget to enter the contest to win Donut Days by Lara Zielin. You have until Thursday.