Hi. I have been reading, but not posting much about it. It’s because I’m torn between including the names of what I’ve been reading and saying what I liked about it, or posting about it without the titles so I can say what’s been driving me crazy. I guess I’ll go with crazy. The author’s well enough known for anyone reading this to come across the books without a recommendation anyway, which is primarily why I post what I like…to spread the word.

What’s driving me crazy is the need to teach overpowering the need to tell the story. I’m not saying you shouldn’t broaden your reader’s horizons if it fits into the parameter of the story, but when it takes over, it’s not so much fun for the reader.

For example, when authors work in new vocab by having the main character either studying for the SATs, having a sibling study for the SATs, or just having them LOVE words, it seems forced to me. I’d much rather read a book that just uses words I don’t know, which I either get from the context or I go look up myself. Or in these books, I’ve just been reading, SCIENCE AND NATURE are everywhere! Okay…yeah…that’s cool. Except when you start creating characters that maybe aren’t so believable just so you can teach something about science, isn’t that a bit didactic?

In my manuscript True Blue Baby (the revision finally went out the other day!), there is a lot about old-time music. Since most people aren’t familiar with it, I suppose there will be some learning going on, if it’s ever published, but the music stuff is in there for the story, not to teach kids about old-time music.

Okay…I’m just ranting…sorry.
