my-trailer.jpg  A few months ago, we bought me a writing studio on ebay. This is a picture of it. Unfortunately, it is in Idaho Falls, ID and we’re not. We had to put it in storage until we could go and get it, and I’m happy to say that the day is coming soon. Next month we will go and get it and haul it home.

In the meantime, I’ve had a lovely little office in the house, which I like a lot. Because I am getting this new writing studio though, I won’t need my desk. Over the weekend, we had a big garage sale and I told my husband, “If you sell your desk, you can have mine.” (mine’s a lot nicer than his, not to mention he bought mine for himself and then gave it to me just out of the kindness of his heart!). Well, he sold his desk. Now I am set up on a TV tray surrounded by piles of the stuff that was in my desk drawers. I’m not sure I thought this through very carefully! 🙂

At least I finished my WIP last week and I’ve already sent it off to my agent, so I don’t have to write at this TV tray for hours and hours a day or anything. In fact, I’m revising another WIP and I’m only putting in an hour or so a day. I always need to build up to the long days after finishing a time consuming project, so I guess a month at a TV tray will be a good way of ensuring that I don’t fall into my workaholic ways. I can’t help it! I love to write!

What is your writing space like?  inside-3.jpg