
Because of the Red Hair article, I have a lot more people stopping by my website these days. I find that kind of ironic since when I first began my website, I came up with all these gorilla marketing techniques and ideas to get people to come by and see what I was doing (gave away free books, author interviews, etc.) and only my best friends stopped by regularly. Like life, it turned out that something entirely different brought me new readers and new writing pals. Anyway, since some of you are new, I just wanted to explain about Thursdays. Generally, I try to tie my blog into writing in some way…my writing, teen topics, writing news, etc. On Thursdays though, I indulge in the personal essay. I mean, what writer out there doesn’t think that they could write a book of essays along the lines of Dave Barry or the late, great Erma Bombeck? Yeah…me too. So once a week, I post the personal essay, one which I hope is funny, and is often about my cats. Today it’s about gas.