clock.jpgWhat do you all do during that time between sending your newly revised manuscript back to your agent and the time he/she reads it and gets back to you? I’ve been knitting, cooking, actually writing for pay (copywriting), walking, listening to baseball games on the internet radio (Go Cubs!), and trying not to think about my book while also trying to come up with a new title. That’s a tricky one – thinking about a title, but not worrying about the book. I’m taking title tips right now. I usually don’t have trouble with this, but after a month of thinking about it, I’m still at a loss. How do you figure out a title?

I was thinking about the book Honey, Baby, Sweetheart… If you’ve read the book, you know that it is one line – three words, in the entire book. It’s not like it’s a tag line or anything. The line is just part of the text, really. Words you wouldn’t even notice if it weren’t the title, right? So how in the world did the author know to choose those words for an excellent title? I’m about to just pick three random words out of my book and see what I get! Help!