Today I’m interviewing yours truly. Not only will it let me introduce myself, but it gives me another week to get some other authors interviewed. I will ask each author to answer five of ten questions and submit a brief bio. When possible, I’ll read their books and post about them on Need To Read that day. Feel free to ask questions of the author in the comments section and maybe they’ll answer them.

Okay, now on to me.

Name: Joelle Anthony

Occupation: Young adult writer

Q. What were your favorite books when you were a teen?

A. Well, I’d like to say they were the Betsy-Tacy books because those are my all time favorites, but honestly, when I was a teen, I was way into those Fireside romance novels. I used to take my allowance to the mall and buy one book and then read it on Saturday night. Yeah…can you say dateless? Well, if you’re sitting home alone, it was comforting to read about other girls doing that too…of course, by the end, they’d always won their guy’s heart.

Q. What’s on your iPod right now?

A. I only listen to music when I work out, so it’s got to be upbeat. I’m really into fiddle tunes. I know…sounds geeky, but you’d be surprised how energized it can make you. I sometimes work out to my husband’s CDs too…can’t get enough of him, I reckon!

Q. What do you read in the bathroom?

A. Come on, everyone does, right? I tend to read magazines. I like Self and Consumer Reports.

Q. What’s the best piece of advice anyone ever gave you (or you read in a book)?

A. Leap and the net will appear. – Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way

Q. What’s the riskiest thing you ever did and how’d it work out for you?

A. Moving to London after college with $1500, a work permit, but no job. It worked out great. I am not the world’s best job hunter, so I mostly sat around watching Wimbledon on the hostel TV until I was almost out of money. Then I scrambled for a job and got one way out in the country in the north of England as  a housekeeper at Outward Bound. Sixteen years later I still have friends I met there that I visit.