grasshopper-color_ana_071c.jpg If you want a literary agent, or if you have a literary agent, and you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Sheesh…why does it take so friggin’ long?” ** Well, then this is something you should not miss. Agent, Janet Reid, lays her weekend out for you in one succinct post. To be honest, I have to admit (a bit sheepishly) that I think I always thought that publishing just sort of shut down on the weekends and that the agents got a couple of free days to catch up on queries, partials, fulls, and clients’ manuscripts (oh, and perhaps an hour or two for their personal life like laundry or finding a solution for world peace). Turns out…not so much. Mea Culpa.

**Not that I have ever said that. My middle name is Patience. Truly. And I highly recommend it ’cause you can’t do nothin’ about it so you might as well enjoy your life.