stop On Tuesday I wrote 13 new pages. Now if you’re a reader and not a writer, you might think, “Yeah, so what?” but if you write, you know that that’s a phenomenal writing day for most writers. Yesterday, I wrote nothing. What happened? Did I use up my muse all in one day? Actually, no…my muse was working overtime to keep me from plugging on.

I did manage to make myself have a look at what I’d written. The first chapter (8 pages), was pretty darn good. In fact, my reader told me it was the best chapter in the book so far (which worries me a little since it’s pages 120-127!). However, the next section just wasn’t working. I tweaked for a while and then finally said, “Yeah…that works. I’m good. Tomorrow I’ll move on.” Only this morning I woke up and knew why I had run into a roadblock yesterday. Those last 5 pages were crap. So today, I throw them out and write the chapter that needs to go there.

While 13 pages sounds impressive, it almost always turns out this way when I do so much in one day. What stops the flow for you? What do you do?