moving-boxes-42-16241198.jpg I don’t really know what day it is, so I guess it doesn’t matter what topic I post about. Probably all my readers have disappeared because I’ve been such a slacker lately anyway…so I guess it’s time to confess…the reason I have not been blogging is because we are moving. Yes…moving. Why anyone would voluntarily do this, is not as clear to me as it was a few months ago when we made this decision. On the plus side, we’re getting rid of a ton of things. That’s a good feeling. Here’s my list of the good/ugly of moving.

The Ugly:

Moving the cats (no one’s happy about this, least of all the furry ones).

Selling my Studebaker (yes, I’m leaving the pictures of me with it on the website as if I still own it because I’m in denial).

No time for writing.

Books I need are already packed.

Being charged $35 to disconnect my cable even though I have no contract or obligation…this is just one of their random charges.

Not having a TV when the Cubbies make it into the play offs (Don’t even start with that “The Cubs? They haven’t won the World Series since 1908!” I’m well aware of that. However, I’m a writer…I have dreams and patience…a perfect combination for a Cubs fan).

The Good:

The new house will be a clean slate (not because it’s a “new” house, but because it’s empty)

New friends

A new writing space.

A kitchen that actually has counter space.

I’m getting really, really strong from moving boxes of books.

Selling lots of stuff on ebay!

Meeting my new neighbors during the World Series at the local bar (because I probably still won’t have a TV by then) and finding out which ones are worth becoming friends with (the Cubs fans, obviously) .

And the best thing about moving is it’s an ADVENTURE! Grab life, right?

*If you’re wondering where we’re moving to…well, you’ll just have to wonder. I’m secretive that way!

**Regular blogging will commence once again in mid-October. Until then, I’ll do what I can.