horse-shoe.jpgSo…I might live in the middle of nowhere, but extraordinary things happen to me all the time that you would expect to only happen if you lived in a bigger place. Like in the post below this one, for example. Or the fact that a friend that we’ve known for almost a year brought his wife to our house for the first time the other day and it turns out that she works for Penguin Canada! And she is a sales rep…for children’s books! And not only is she very nice and personable, but SHE IS GIVING ME FREE BOOKS!!!!! Yeah, I’m THAT lucky. She said, “Oh, I have boxes of ARCs and I never know what to do with them. Would you like them?” WOULD I LIKE THEM? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!

My friend Eileen swears that one of the best parts of getting deeper into this biz is that people start sending you free books, and I have gotten a few, but this is beyond cool! And you, my dear readers, will also benefit because eventually, I’ll be writing about these books on Need To Read.