tofu-wok-outdoor_faa022001544.jpg  Just for fun, here are five things that just seem so easy for everyone else, but pose a challenge for me.

1. Typing in those random letters to prove I’m not spam. XKKlefhp It always takes me two or three tries to get my posts to take on blogspot because if it’s not a real word, I can’t really type it!

2. Looking at a crowd and estimating how many people are there. When someone says, “Oh, you were at XXXX last night? How many people showed up?” I seriously have no idea. I can’t tell you if there were ten or fifty or five hundred. Okay, maybe if there were only ten, I could make a reasonable guess.

3.  Peel, cut, and core an apple into even pieces. I figured that once I became a mom, I’d automatically be able to do it, but since I am only a mom to my kitties and they don’t like apples, the magic has not happened!

4.  Fry tofu. Okay, maybe not everyone can do this but I am a cook, a vegetarian, AND I watched Tyler Florence on the Food Network do a whole episode of Food 911 just about cooking tofu. Cooking is something I’m good at. Why can’t I do this?

5.  Find Waldo.