
I can easily say that Autumn is my favorite season. I know…generally I think that every season, probably because I live in the moment, but if I do a thorough analysis of the seasons, Autumn wins, hands down.

Winter is cold…it’s cozy, which is nice, I get a fair amount of work done, and there are fires. It’s all good. But in the end, I don’t walk as often as I like to because it’s cold.

Spring is full of allergens. I like the looks of spring, but I can’t really breathe. It has promise though…nice weather and beautiful flowers. It’s good too, but there are drawbacks, like tornadoes.

Summer is hot. Basically, it’s the same as winter in that I don’t walk as much because it’s too hot way down South where we live. I think I’ll like it better in our new home. Oh, plus there are mosquitoes and I am an official mosquito magnet (aka Breakfast, Lunch & Supper buffet)

But Autumn…how lovely. The mornings are crisp, the sky is blue, the afternoons warm up, the mosquitoes are far and few between, I can ride my bike or walk in comfort, and there’s something about it, maybe the whole “back to school” element, that makes me want to write, write, write. And cook. And read. And enjoy the last of the baseball season…Fall is where it’s at for me. And just for a little added enjoyment, there is the whole changing of the leaves, the smoky yard debris fires, amazing slanted sunlight, the hot apple cider, pumpkins, and Halloween. Bring it on! I’m ready.

My fingers are itching to write, but I need to pack instead. Writing takes more than a fleeting moment in time for me, so I will make time to read, watch baseball and walk/ride instead.

What’s your favorite season?