
So, I was all set to write about My Writing/Your Writing, but that’s on Wednesdays. Yesterday I did a Teen Topic which is usually on Tuesdays! As you can see, I’m obviously a day behind. I confess, this is because I was partying. On Sunday we went to a big music party at a friend’s farm, stayed over, and drove home on Monday. I think because you’re supposed to party on Saturdays and drive home on Sundays, I’ve been a little off all week. Now you’ll have to wait for my writing words of wisdom until next week. Which is actually kind of lucky for me because I didn’t really have a good topic, I was just going to wing it.

Instead I will regale you with Fifteen Things You Didn’t Know About Mosquitoes an article by yours truly that I wrote when I was doing a bunch of these pieces for The Tennessean newspaper. I’m not sure how funny you’ll find it, but it is interesting. By the way, we sleep outside every night during the summer, and may I just say that a mosquito net was the best $60 we’ve spent in a long time. They can see you, but they can’t get you! It’s like a one-up on the evil mosquito world. Bwahahaha!!!!