One of the best time for me to work out plot problems is as I’m drifting off to sleep, or in the middle of the night, after I’ve gotten up to go to the bathroom. Unlike normal people who stumble out of bed, go pee, stumble back to bed and are instantly asleep (ha! yes, I just called my husband “normal” for the first time!), I fully wake up any time I have to get out of bed. And I drink a lot of tea, so I have 1-3 times a night to work out plot issues.

Some people I know don’t “allow” themselves to think about their books in bed because then they will never fall asleep and the next thing you know, they’re up at 2am writing. This never happens to me. I’m sorry, but getting my butt in the chair during the day is challenging enough. There is just no way I’m going to crawl out of a warm soft bed and go sit in my freezing office to write crap that I’ll have to scrap the next day anyway because I was asleep when I wrote it.

My other good problem solving times are in the shower and on solitary walks. What about you? When do you plot? Do you write in the middle of the night? Is it good?