Alice in the Know and Half Moon Investigations

There is a lot of upheaval in my life right now (nothing bad, just lots of “if this happens then that happens and that happens but not this or that thing, but then we have to do that” etc.) so I am combating it by hiding in the bed with books because...

Too Lazy…

I’m too lazy to write much about all the books I’ve read over the last month while I’ve been away, so here’s a list. Do with it what you will. THE DAVINCI CODE – ummm…whatever…pretty good stuff for a long plane ride, but yeah…whatever…40 million copies???...

John Rowe Townsend and Jill Paton Walsh

Hi, All.Well, I’ve been away for a bit, but I have something cool to post. The reason I’ve been gone is because I’ve been to England to visit friends. For those of you who were reading this LJ last month, you will know that I was on a John Rowe Townsend reading binge...

The sexy list

I was just reading on Rachel Vater’s list an email someone sent her saying they read lots of YA and there’s no sex in it. Hmmm…not reading the same stuff as me. Here are a few that I added to her comments section. Just in case you’re...

King Creature, Come

Read KING CREATURE, COME over the last two days. It’s quite different from most of what JRT writes and it was a bit shocking to read after all these years because I didn’t really remember it at all. I liked it, but I have to keep this short. The...