bbarcode.png If you read this blog, you will know that it drives me crazy when the library barcode obscures the title, author name, blurb or photo on a book jacket. I often have wondered if book designers ever go into libraries. When I mentioned this to my agent, he was kind of surprised and asked me, “Do all libraries put the barcode in the same place?”

Well, that was all I needed to get started on my investigation!

These libraries put the barcode in the top, right corner if you’re holding the book up and looking at it:

Vancouver Island Regional Libraries (BC, Canada)

Nashville Public Libraries (TN)

Crossville Library (TN)

Forest Hills/Oak Park Library (IL/Chicago area)

Now I want to know where your library puts this barcode? Also, is it a public library or a school library? Where is this library?I guess it could be a coincidence that every place I have lived puts the code there, but honestly, if I can prove that a LOT of libraries do, maybe we can change the world! The book world, that is! Haha. After all, how are we supposed to judge a book by its cover if we can’t see the thing?

Yeah….I’m between writing projects. How’d you guess?

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I’ve just been informed that Multnomah County Libraries (Portland, Or) put it in the top left corner. There goes my theory that everyone does it the same. Still…if most libraries put it on the top…