happy_birthday_10.gifAs is the tradition on my birthday, I will list the forty-two things I’m grateful for (well, the tradition is not forty-two, but the number each year that corresponds to my age).

To help me celebrate, I feel like giving something away. But birthday gifts should be a surprise, so I won’t tell you what’s up for grabs! To enter,  add a thing or two you’re grateful for in the comments and on Friday, I’ll draw a winner!

If you want, take up the tradition on your site, you should! It’s fun. I believe I first got the idea from Sarah Dessen, but I’m not certain.

Forty-two things I’m grateful for – in no particular order (they’re all important)!

  1. My wonderful husband.
  2. Trees, and living amongst them.
  3. Getting a new computer before the old one dies.
  4. My family
  5. My agent
  6. My husband’s photos
  7. Music
  8. Sarah Tradewell and our wonderful story (and her family!)
  9. Writing
  10. Good books
  11. My treadmill desk
  12. Lovely friends
  13. My critique group
  14. My editor
  15. Holding my real book in my hands
  16. The kitties
  17. Walking
  18. The garden
  19. My cooking students/friends
  20. ARCs
  21. The opportunity to teach at the school
  22. Tea
  23. The wood stove
  24. My bike
  25. Living on an island
  26. Sunday Soup
  27. The internet
  28. Good food – preferably homegrown and homecooked
  29. The deer in the yard
  30. Our neighbour
  31. A fantastic well (very important on an island without much water!)
  32. Baseball & Cubbies
  33. Fresh fruit
  34. The Enchanted Forest
  35. Email
  36. Book bloggers
  37. The Debutante Ball
  38. The big blue reading chair
  39. Our library
  40. My husband playing guitar
  41. The number 18
  42. My birthday!

Here is my birthday pressie! Hand-knitted alpaca wool slippers from Paradise Island Alpaca Farm right here on the island.

birthday slippers