The knucklehead story continued (both of us)

This cat, which we will call Grinder, since that’s his official name, although today I called him a few choice other names, believes that the very best places to sleep are the places he is not allowed to go. For example, the top of my computer desk. Another...

STORY OF A GIRL by Sara Zarr

Can I just say that Sara Zarr is the coolest name ever? Okay, now I’ve got that off my chest, let’s talk about the book. This is a really good book, but you knew that because I’m blogging about it and I wouldn’t if I didn’t like it. This...

B FOR BUSTER by Iain Lawrence

I know that Iain Lawrence is an award winning writer, but for some reason I had never come across his books until I moved to the small town where we live now. And why did he suddenly end up on my reading list? Because he lives here too. All I can say is lucky me...