boy-writing-clip-art1.jpgWhen I started college, I was a theatre major. My grandmother kept telling me to take classes like accounting and typing (yes, this was way back when everyone used typewriters and computers were still in the future). I was not about to take anything so that I could “fall back on it” when my acting career did not pan out, but I did decide to take typing just so I could get through college. Believe it or not, way back then, you could still turn in handwritten papers. But they had to be legible and that’s where I was a failure. I had handwriting that would make you mistake me for a doctor!

I’m not proud of this, by the way. In fact, every day, I write three full pages in my journal and every single morning I open the journal, look at the fresh white pages and think to myself, “Today is the day I am going to write carefully and my handwriting will be beautiful.” but no matter what I do, it’s always basically loopy chicken scratches. When we got married, my husband addressed all the invitations so that, you know, people would actually get them.

I know some of you are probably wondering how the math study is going, and while I did sort of forget about it and the book is now overdue at the library, the bits I did on prime numbers was really fun. I’m now thinking that my next project should be a handwriting improvement course. I’m not exactly sure why I need to improve my handwriting when everything I write these days has to be typed, but there are always thank you notes, right? And it’s best if they’re not only legible, but they actually get there too.

There are debates in schools right now about the need to even teach cursive writing at all. What do you think? How is your handwriting?