peace-sign.jpgThe post I just wrote is censored. Deleted. Gone.

I spent five minutes ranting about a book I read that I really couldn’t stand for soooo many reasons and then I decided, do I really need to put this negative energy out into the world? Nah…I mean, you know I’d never name it, but still…DELETE.

Instead I will pass on something that interests me…For some reason that I don’t quite understand, but sort of do too, as soon as I finished listening to EAT, PRAY, LOVE on audio last weekend, I immediately started listening to it all over again. It is 11 CDs long! Seriously, that’s a lot of audio. My dreams are starting to be narrated by Elizabeth Gilbert. I’m beginning to refer to her as “Liz” as if we’re pals. Even as I reread this, my inner voice has the same rhythm as hers…like I’m channeling her. That bit scares me a little!

At first I thought I’d just listen to the sections that interested me most, but instead I have listened to almost the entire thing. And in the middle of all this, I ordered the book from Powell’s.

I hear there’s a follow-up coming out by Elizabeth Gilbert too. I’m way excited about that! Have a peaceful day. And if you read a book you can’t stand, let’s not talk about it.